
years search engine experience
Online sales driven
$ 1 M
Return on Ad Spend
1 %
Inbound Leads Collected
1 K+

What is PPC?

Search engine advertising, or pay-per-click (PPC), are text ads strategically placed on search engines such as Google and Microsoft based on users’ search queries.

PPC ads are incredibly effective; not only are they placed above organic results, they provide the opportunity to call out new promotions and services without affecting your search rankings.

What We Can Provide


Let us handle the cumbersome task of performing market research. We'll review search trends to recommend the highest traffic-generating keywords and how much you can anticipate spending per click.


Our team will write high performing ad copy that is guaranteed to increase your average click-through-rate and increase search impressions.


We help local businesses save money and market more efficiently by not spending money advertising to customers you can't serve. Many small businesses lose money advertising nationwide instead of segmenting their campaigns

Free Keyword Report

Want a sample of the research we perform? Ask us to perform a keyword report for your website.